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"The End of Christian Psychology"




"Competent to Minister"




Competent to Minister

The Biblical Care of Souls

by Martin and Deidre Bobgan

This book calls Christians back to the Bible and to the biblically ordained ministries and mutual care in the Body of Christ that have effectively cared for souls for almost 2000 years.

Paperback, 251 pages, (EastGate Publishers)

The End of "Christian Psychology"

by Martin and Deidre Bobgan

"Christian psychology" is comprised of the same confusion of contradictory theories and techniques as secular psychology.  Professional psychologists who profess Christianity have simply borrowed the theories and techniques from secular psychology.  Professional psychotherapy with its underlying psychologies is questionable at best, detrimental at worst, and a spiritual counterfeit at least.  The purpose of this book is to demonstrate the truth of that statement and to raise the challenge of purging the church of all evidences of this scourge.

Paperback, 290 pages, (EastGate Publishers)

Psychoheresy Awareness Ministries

"Christ-Centered Ministry vs. Problem-Centered Counseling"




Christ-Centered Ministry


Problem-Centered Counseling

by Martin and Deidre Bobgan

The purpose of this book is to reveal the origins and faults of problem-centered counseling, to describe Christ-centered ministry and how it differs from problem-centered counseling, and to encourage local congregations to minister as God has called them to do without the influence of the psychological or biblical counseling movement.

Paperback, 135 pages, (EastGate Publishers)






by Martin and Deidre Bobgan

This is a book about Christianity and psychology.  It examines four commonly-held myths about psychology.  The Bobgan's analyze attempts to integrate psychology with the Bible.  They reveal research exposing the fallacies of psychological counseling.  Forward by Dave Hunt.

Paperback, 259 pages, (EastGate Publishers)